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Smida, Ali; Naji al-Hadithi (Editors). - L'Opinion de Bagdad. Revue politique bimensuelle, 1-86; [AND:] L'Irak aujourd'hui. Revue politique bimensuelle, 1-123. [OVER 200 ISSUES].

Bagdad, Dar el Jamahir; La Direction Générale de l'Information, Ministère de l'Information; Ministère de la Culture et de l'Information, 1972-82. 1st Edition. Soft cover. 209 issues bound in 202. Quarto. Illustrated throughout. Original pictorial wrappers. Includes many folded posters, loosely inserted. In excellent condition, exceptionally well preserved. ~ FIRST EDITION. Extremely rare complete collection of great political and historical interest. Contains: "L'Opinion de Bagdad. Revue politique bimensuelle", issues 1-86 (1972-1976). [AND:] "L'Irak aujourd'hui. Revue politique bimensuelle", issues 1-123 in 116 parts (1976-1981). BOX ZOLDER .
EUR 4200.00 [Appr.: US$ 4370.86 | £UK 3548.75 | JP¥ 681250] Book number 4058

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