Everyman's Library No.451 - ATLAS OF ANCIENT AND CLASSICAL GEOGRAPHYLondon & New York, J.M.Dent & Sons Ltd. & E.P.Dutton & Co.Inc. 1950 full-page coloured maps on 64 pages + 13 pages of notable battle plans . 12mo dark red cloth with gilt title to spine & blindstamp to cover [sm.vents to hinge/spine a bit sunned/edges slightly rubbed] xii [=Everyman's library + Half title + titleapage + Introduction + Contents] +268pp includes maps & text & index +Ernest Rhys [4pp] + 16pp of list of Everyman's Library books. GBP 4.00 [Appr.: EURO 4.75 US$ 4.87 | JP¥ 761] Book number P76193is offered by:
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