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Vandier d'Abbadie, J. - Catalogue des ostraca figurés de Deir el Médineh. I. Nos 2001-2255; II. Nos 2256-2722; III. Etude générale et supplément, nos. 2723-2733; IV. Nos 2734-3053. [FOUR VOLUMES].

Le Caire, Institut Français d'Archéologie Orientale, 1936-59. 1st Edition. Hardcover. Four volumes bound in two. Royal quarto. I. Pp. viii, 52, plus plates 1-36; II. Pp. 53-155, plus plates 37-92; III. Pp. cxxx; 157-160, plus plates 93-95; IV. PP. viii, 237, plus plates 96-159. HARDCOVER, uniformly bound in brown three-quarters artificial calf, light beige cloth. In a very good condition. ~ FIRST EDITION. Complete set. Volume I. (1936) ostraca numbers 2001-2255; Volume II. (1937) 2256-2722; Volume III. (1946) 2723-2733; Volume IV. (1959) 2734-3053. Jeanne Marie Thérèse Vandier d'Abbadie (1899-1977). Beinlich-Seeber 20035. FTV .
EUR 1100.00 [Appr.: US$ 1129.6 | £UK 927.75 | JP¥ 176559] Book number 9999_04522

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