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Schirmer, Friedrich, Fritz Wiener. - Die preußischen Garde-Infanterie-Regimenter 1912-18. Feldgrau. Mitteilungen einer Arbeitsgemeinschaft. 2. Jahrgang 1954. Sonderheft 1 (i.e. 2.)

Berlin, 1953. 1st Edition. Soft cover. Octavo. Pp. 24. Plus 12 single-sheet plates loosely inserted. Plus folding table bound at end. Errata leaf loosely inserted. Bibliography. Original self-wrappers. In a very good condition. ~ FIRST EDITION. Sonderheft 2, erratically titled as Sonderheft 1. 006-3 .
EUR 20.00 [Appr.: US$ 20.52 | £UK 17 | JP¥ 3229] Book number 9999_02563

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Librarium of The Hague
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