Engström, Otto; Gynaekologischen Klinik des Prof. Dr. - Mittheilungen aus der gynaekologischen Klinik des Prof. Dr. Otto Engström in Helsingfors, I-VI. [SIX VOLUMES].Berlin, Karger, 1897-1904. 1st Edition. Hardcover. Six volumes. Crown quarto. Pp. xii, 406; 289; 308; 288; 366; 338. Plus lithograph plates, partly in colour, and text figures to some volumes. HARDCOVER, uniformly bound in contemporary pebbled half cloth and marbled boards, spines gilt, extremities trifle rubbed, old institutional stamp to verso of each title-page. In a very good condition. Overall an excellent set. ~ FIRST EDITION. Very rare complete run. Comprises of 49 parts with contributions by various authors. Otto Ingemar Engström (1853-1919). Apparently only a single complete institutional holding worldwide, that in University of Base. A-3 . EUR 600.00 [Appr.: US$ 632.67 | £UK 499 | JP¥ 98663] Book number 9999_01227is offered by:
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