- Erkennungszeichen der Flugzeuge aller Länder und Flugformationen der Luftwaffe.Stuttgart, Franckh'sche Verlagshandlung, (1935). 1st Edition. Soft cover. Octavo. Pp. 16. Plus large folding colour chart with numerous illustrations of aircrafts. With 11 plates of fight formations with sketch formulas and explanatory texts on facing leaves. Original illustrated wrappers, old signature. In a very good condition, fine folding chart. ~ FIRST EDITION. The handsome colour chart "Die Abzeichen der Militär- und Verkehrsflugzeuge aller Länder (Stand Sommer 1935)" brings 37 illustrations of foreign aircrafts and their insignia with explanatory texts. E-5 IN . EUR 160.00 [Appr.: US$ 168.43 | £UK 132.5 | JP¥ 25237] Book number 9410is offered by:
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