Mantey, [Friedrich Fritz] von. - Kartenbild des Sommerfeldzuges 1914 im Osten. Mit 8 dreifarbigen Karten in Steindruck.Berlin, Mittler, 1930. 1st Edition. Soft cover. Crown quarto. Pp. 48. Plus 8 large folding lithograph maps, printed in 3 colours, often with insets. Text volume and maps are placed in original printed portfolio of stiff card, one flap is missing, old shelf ticket, spine panel bit frayed with small repair inside; old military institutional stamps, also to blank corner of each map. Inside in a very good condition, all maps are complete and in a very good condition. ~ FIRST EDITION. Detailed cartographic survey of the military operations in the Eastern Front during the Autumn Campaign in 1914. Some bibliographies attribute the work to Friedrich von Mantey, others to Fritz von Mantey. TIMO-4 IN . EUR 170.00 [Appr.: US$ 175.61 | £UK 141.75 | JP¥ 26597] Book number 9233is offered by:
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