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Thys, J. - Application de la traction automobile au service de l'alimentation de l'armée belge en campagne.

Bruxelles, L'Essor, (1910). 1st Edition. Hardcover. Three parts in one volume. Octavo. Pp. 9; 11-37; 39-46. HARDCOVER, bound in contemporary cloth and marbled boardswith original printed wrapper laid-down, old shelf ticket to spine, old military institutional stamps to first leaves. In a very good condition. ~ FIRST EDITION thus. Recueil d'une série d'articles parus dans la Revue de l'Armée Belge, 1909-1910. Very rare. Only a single institutional holding worldwide, that in the National Military Museum of the Netherlands. 004-12 .
EUR 120.00 [Appr.: US$ 123.53 | £UK 101.5 | JP¥ 19431] Book number 9129

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Librarium of The Hague
Concordia, Hoge Zand, The Hague, Dennevlam 23, 2403HV Alphen aan den Rijn, Netherlands Tel.: +31 (0)172-785985

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