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- Der deutsch-französische Krieg, 1870-71. Redigirt von der Kriegsgeschichtlichen Abtheilung des Großen Generalstabes. Erster Theil: Geschichte des Krieges bis zum Sturz des Kaiserreichs. Heft 4-6.

Berlin, Mittler, 1880-81. 1st Edition. Hardcover. Three parts (4-6) in one volume. Royal octavo. Pp. 381-511, 10; 513-667, 40; 669-927. Plus Appendice in 3 parts pp. 135-234. Plus 5 battle plans. With sketch maps to the text. HARDCOVER, bound in contemporary half cloth and marbled boards. In a very good condition. ~ FIRST EDITION. As usual, the overview map and the operations map are not included (issued with later volumes). TIMO-5 IN .
EUR 20.00 [Appr.: US$ 20.98 | £UK 16.75 | JP¥ 3147] Book number 9050

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