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(Badischer Landesfeuerwehrverband). - Bekleidungs- und Ausrüstungsvorschrift für Freiwillige Feuerwehren. (Badischer Landesfeuerwehrverband).

Baden-Baden, Badischer Landesfeuerwehrverban, Printed at the Badische Feuerwehrzeitung, 1932. 1st Edition. Soft cover. Octavo. Pp. 16. With 16 illustrations of uniforms, insignia, headgear, and equipment. Plus original folding patterns sheet, ca. 90x70 cm, in rear pocket. Original stiff wrappers, old oval stamp to cover. In fine condition. ~ FIRST EDITION. Dress and accoutrement regulations for volunteer fire briagdes, Badischer Landesfeuerwehrverband, during 3rd Reich. The large patterns sheet gives exact, detailed measurements. Extremely rare. E-5 IN .
EUR 320.00 [Appr.: US$ 337.54 | £UK 265.25 | JP¥ 50704] Book number 8452

is offered by:

Librarium of The Hague
Concordia, Hoge Zand, The Hague, Dennevlam 23, 2403HV Alphen aan den Rijn, Netherlands Tel.: +31 (0)172-785985

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