Kleinau, Wilhelm. - Soldaten der Nation. Die geschichtliche Sendung des Stahlhelm.Berlin, Stahlhelm Verlag, 1933. 1st Edition. Soft cover. Octavo. Pp. 61, (2). Plus plates outside the pagination. Original illustrated stiff wrappers with flaps, bit foxed. In good condition, very good interior. ~ FIRST EDITION. This particular copy comes from the bequest of renowned uniform historian and researcher Dr. Pieter Roelse and includes, loosely inserted, a large number of newspaper and magazine photographs related to the subject. All clippings are contemporary and taken from period publications, dated 1931-34. Additional information, source and date are often added in neat hand. It should be noted that this material, the result of a lifelong research, study, and collection is provided herewith strictly as-is, subject to what is physically present in the book. E-5 IN . EUR 65.00 [Appr.: US$ 67.39 | £UK 55 | JP¥ 10484] Book number 8447is offered by:
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