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Belt, J. C. van den. - De Balkan-oorlog 1912.

Velp, Mavors, 1913. 1st Edition. Soft cover. Royal octavo. Pp. 95. Plus large folding lithograph map, ca. 44x52 cm, printed in two colours, and a semitransparent overlay indicating troop positions as changed over time. Head- and tail-pieces. Original printed stiff wrappers bit soiled, spine bit frayed, old shelf ticket, old military institutional stamp to half-title. With a very good interior, practically unused, entirely still unopened, fine map. ~ FIRST EDITION. 004-8 .
EUR 25.00 [Appr.: US$ 26.37 | £UK 20.75 | JP¥ 3961] Book number 7540

is offered by:

Librarium of The Hague
Concordia, Hoge Zand, The Hague, Dennevlam 23, 2403HV Alphen aan den Rijn, Netherlands Tel.: +31 (0)172-785985

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