(Inspecteur der Artillerie). - [ARTILLERY:] Handleiding militaire wetten ten dienste van het onderwijs aan de School voor Reserve-Officieren der Bereden Artillerie.Ede, Frouws, 1935. 1st Edition. Hardcover. Royal octavo. Pp. 119, (2). Printed on recto only. HARDCOVER, bound in the original half cloth and printed boards, old military institutional stamps to cover. In a very good condition. ~ FIRST EDITION. Very rare guide on military law for the use of mounted artillery reserve officers. Amendments pasted onto several leaves. 004-9 . EUR 70.00 [Appr.: US$ 74.02 | £UK 58.25 | JP¥ 11104] Book number 6899is offered by:
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