Prins, A. J. - Antwoord op de critiek naar aanleiding van het geschrift "De Opleiding der Compagnie".Leiden, Sijthoff, (1888). 1st Edition. Hardcover. Octavo. Pp. 39. HARDCOVER, bound in contemporary quarter cloth and marbled boards, shelf ticket to spine, old institutional stamps to title-page, some browning to paste-downs. In a very good condition. ~ FIRST EDITION. Prins' "De opleiding der compagnie" was published in 1888, also by Sijthoff of Leiden, and generated direct criticism, notably from Baron van Voorst tot Voorst and Sprokkelaar. Both Prins and his Publisher found it necessary to react directly: "Werd ons geschrift door sommigen met ingenomenheid begroet, het lokte van anderen een critiek uit, die ons in 't belang der zaak voorkomt, niet geheel onbeantwoord te moeten blijven." A few months later appeared the present Reply. It is interesting to note that the original publication comprised of 96 pages, while the Reply required no less than 39 pages to defend it. The Reply is divided in two practically equal halves with the first 19 pages directed at Van Voorst tot Voorst and the following 19 pages at Sprokkelaar. ~ Very rare. Only one copy is located in the Netherlands, that in the National War Museum. Another single copy is located worldwide, that in the British Library. 005-9 . EUR 140.00 [Appr.: US$ 144.34 | £UK 118.25 | JP¥ 22551] Book number 6667is offered by:
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