V. S., Kapitein (J. van Swieten). - Dagboek der operatien en bewegingen van het 2e Korps van het Koninklijk Nederlandsch Leger, van af het begin des veldtogts van 1815 tot den 24 Junij; en van het 1e Korps, van af den 25 Junij tot en met den 4 Augustus 1815.Leyden, Kooyker, 1865. 1st Edition. Hardcover. Octavo. Pp. 38, (2). Plus folding chart bound at end. HARDCOVER, bound in contemporary cloth and marbled boards, small old shelf tickets to spine, old institutional stamp to title. In a very good condition. ~ FIRST EDITION. See: Uythoven, Nackaerts & Boersma: "A Bibliography on the Army of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in the Waterloo Campaign, 1815". Extremely rare. WorldCat OCLC locates worldwide only a single institutional copy outside the Netherlands, that in the British Library. [ADDED:] Large folding chart, worn, charting the chronology of the retreat of the French Army from Moscow to the Niemen River. 004-4 . EUR 220.00 [Appr.: US$ 231.02 | £UK 185.5 | JP¥ 36013] Book number 5743is offered by:
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