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Hubl, Hauptmann Anton. - Le Mans. Vorträge und applicatorische Besprechungen, gehalten vor dem Officiers-Corps des Infanterie-Regiments Freiherr v. Catty Nr. 102 zu Prag im Jänner und Feber 1892.

Prag, Ehrlich, 1892. 1st Edition. Hardcover. Royal octavo. Pp. 95. Plus 13 battle plans and maps on 3 folding sheets bound at end. HARDCOVER, bound in contemporary pebbled green half cloth and marbled boards, spine gilt, shelf ticket, old institutional stamps, evenly browned. In fine condition. ~ FIRST EDITION. D-3 .
EUR 150.00 [Appr.: US$ 154.1 | £UK 126.75 | JP¥ 24085] Book number 5573

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Librarium of The Hague
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