(Müffling, Friedrich Carl Ferdinand Baron von). (C. v. W.; Weiss). - Betrachtungen über die großen [grossen] Operationen und Schlachten der Feldzüge von 1813 und 1814.Berlin & Posen, Ernst Siegfried Mittler, 1825. 1st Edition. Soft cover. Royal octavo. Pp. xii, 143. Set in Gothic type. Original printed wrappers soiled and frayed, shelf tickets, old institutional stamps; dog-eared and shabby. An untrimmed copy in good condition, preserved entirely in the original state. ~ FIRST EDITION. Friedrich Carl Ferdinand Baron von Müffling, called Weiss, (1775-1851). 004-10 . EUR 220.00 [Appr.: US$ 225.7 | £UK 184.75 | JP¥ 35520] Book number 5571is offered by:
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