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Reuilly, J. (Jean); [Peter Simon Pallas]. - Description du Tibet, d'après la Relation des Lamas Tangoutes, établis parmi les Mongols. Traduit de l'Allemand avec des notes par J. Rouilly. [BOUND AFTER:] Voyage en Crimée et sur les bords de la Mer Noire, pendant l'année 1803; Suivi d'un Mémoire sur le Commerce de cette Mer, et de Notes sur les principaux Ports commerçans. [TWO WORKS IN ONE].

Paris, Bossange, Masson et Besson, 1806-08. 1st Edition. Hardcover. Two works bound in one volume. Crown octavo. Pp. (iv), xix, 302, (2) Errata (verso blank). Plus large folding engraved map "Crimeé ou Tauride", printed on handmade cotton rag paper 43x56 cm, cartographed by J. B. Poirson and engraved by P. E. Tardieu; handsome folding engraved map "Plan de Sevastopole et de ses environs", drawn and engraved by Tardieu; 3 folding tables; 3 engraved plates of coins and medals, one of which is folding; 6 engraved head- and tail-pieces, drawn and engraved by J. Duplessi-Bertaux, of which one is a lovely map of the Black Sea drawn and engraved by Tardieu; Engraved title-page by Duplessi-Bertaux. [BOUND WITH:] Pp. (ii), xii, 89. Engraved illustration to title-page. Half-title present. HARDCOVER, bound in contemporary half calf and marbled boards, flat spine with large raised band decorated in gilt, four compartments tooled in blind, remainder lettered in gilt, marbled endpapers; boards and corner-tips bit rubbed; small mark at corner of first title, old inscription dated 1842, in a very neat hand, to verso of first free endpaper, small signature and small oval private ownership stamp to corner of blank prelim, unidentified crowned monogram, "H B", lightly stamped to half-title, testimony to a previous ownership of a nobility, baron or count. In fine condition. Excellent copy. ~ FIRST EDITION. Two celebrated works bound together. Previously the property of an unidentified nobility, baron or count, with his crowned monogram stamp "H B". Baron Jean de Reuilly (1780-1810), traveller, explorer of the Crimea and the Black Sea. In the Préface to "Voyage." he writes: "Ce que quelques voyageurs ont écrit sur la Crimée, est incomplet et déjà veilli. Pour former le tableau que j'en voulais donner, je n'ai pas cru devoir me priver du secours des observations faites avant moi (.) j'ai rendu compte des changements que la Crimée a éprouvés depuis son occupation par les Russes (.) La forme du voyage en Egypte et en Syrie de M. Volney, m'ayant paru réunir plusieurs avantages, je l'ai adoptée." In 1807 the work appeared in English as "Travels in the Crimea, and along the shores of the Black Sea, performed in the year 1803". ~ The second work in this volume, "Description du Tibet", is the rare First French Edition. It was translated by Reuilly from the original German of Peter Simon Pallas, commonly without accrediting this to him. The original was published in 1776 as part of "Sammlungen historischer nachrichten über die Mongolischen Völkerschaften". The French translation was the first time this work appeared separate from the larger work. It was published in Paris in 1808 by Bossange, Masson et Besson, same publishers who published "Voyage.". ~ Peter Simon Pallas (1741-1811) was a German zoologist and botanist who worked in Russia after being appointed to professor of natural history in St. Petersburg. He travelled and wrote extensively. Cordier, Sinica, 2879; Lust 207. For a lengthy analysis of Reuilly's work and life see: "Biographie universelle, ancienne et moderne" vol. 37 (Paris, 1824). (c) Descriptive Text Copyright Librarium of The Hague. C-4 .
EUR 2200.00 [Appr.: US$ 2268.16 | £UK 1857.25 | JP¥ 354371] Book number 5399

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