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Marie, L'Abbé (Joseph François). - Traité de Méchanique.

Paris, Veuve Desaint, 1774. 1st Edition. Hardcover. Crown quarto. Pp. (iv, numbered viii); 440. Plus 12 folding engraved plates, bound at end. Woodcut device to title-page, large woodcut headpiece. Half-title present. HARDCOVER, bound in period full brown calf, spine with raised bands, richly ornamented in gilt, red morocco lettering-piece in gilt to second compartments, sides with gilt roll-tolled border, all edges red, new endpapers; neat contemporary calligraphed signature at bottom of title. In fine condition. Attractive copy in fine binding and with rather fresh interior. ~ FIRST EDITION. Joseph-François Marie (1738-1801). C-3 .
EUR 900.00 [Appr.: US$ 927.88 | £UK 760 | JP¥ 144970] Book number 5369

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