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Fleurigeon, M. - Code des contributions directes et indirectes, Contenant les Lois, Décrets et Instructions, rendus jusqu'au 1er mai 1809.

Paris, Garnery, 1809. 1st Edition. Soft cover. Octavo Pp. 216. Tables. Half-title present. Plain printer's wrappers, frayed and shabby; dog-eared; contemporary ownership signature to title in old hand. Untrimmed, unsophisticated copy, entirely in the original state, with a very clean interior. ~ FIRST EDITION. Very rare. I-4 IN .
EUR 1100.00 [Appr.: US$ 1128.01 | £UK 922.25 | JP¥ 177871] Book number 5358

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Librarium of The Hague
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