Bijl, Rob; Arjen Verweij (Editors). - Measuring and Monitoring Immigrant Integration in Europe: Integration Policies and Monitoring Efforts in 17 European Countries. [Measuring and Monitoring Immigrant's Integration in Europe: Comparing Integration Policies and Monitoring Systems for the Integration of Immigrants and Ethnic].The Hague, The Netherlands Institute for Social Research, 2012. 1st Edition. Hardcover. 9789037705690. Crown quarto. Pp. 366. Text figures. Original stiff wrappers. BRAND NEW. ~ FIRST EDITION. In a later version, the book appeared with a slightly different title "Measuring and Monitoring Immigrant's Integration in Europe: Comparing Integration Policies and Monitoring Systems for the Integration of Immigrants". 001-3 . EUR 30.00 [Appr.: US$ 31.57 | £UK 25 | JP¥ 4736] Book number 5251is offered by:
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