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Bourneville, (Désiré Magloire). - Recherches cliniques et thérapeutiques sur l'Épilepsie, l'Hystérie et l'Idiotie. Compte rendu du service des enfants idiots, épileptiques et arriérés de Bicêtre pendant l'année 1888. Volume IX.

Paris, Progrès Médical; E. Lecrosnier et Babé, 1889. 1st Edition. Hardcover. Two parts in one volume. Octavo. Pp. lix; 92. Plus 2 plates bound at end. With 25 text figures, photographs, graphs. Tables, appendix. HARDCOVER, bound in plasticized contemporary half pebbled cloth and charming marbled boards, shelf number to spine, old institutional stamps, label, card pocket; one quire loose. In good condition. ~ FIRST EDITION. Volume IX. Désiré-Magloire Bourneville (1840 -1909). "Bourneville was celebrated as the leading continental authority on all that concerned mentally abnormal children (.)." (Haymaker/Thomas). Z-4 OUT .
EUR 120.00 [Appr.: US$ 126.82 | £UK 99.75 | JP¥ 19011] Book number 5049

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