Schmoelders [Schmölders], August. - Documenta philosophiae Arabum. Quae pro dissertatione ad summos in philosophia honores ab amplissimo in Universitate Fridericia Wilhelmia Rhenana philosophorum ordine rite impetrandos. Ex codd. mss. primus edidit, latine vertit, commentario illustravit.Bonnae (Bonn), Typis Regiis Arabicis. In Officina Fr. Baadeni, 1836. 1st Edition. Hardcover. Two parts in one volume. Octavo. Pp. (ii), iv, 134, 4; 33 in Arabic. Two title-pages including one to the Arabic part. Includes the 11-point Thesis Statement. HARDCOVER, bound in the original paper-covered boards, spine and corners worn; green endpapers, first paste-down lightly stained; all edges gilt; signature to title, split gutter after first blank. In a very good internal condition, interior rather fresh. ~ FIRST EDITION. Schmoelders' pioneer work on Islamic philosophy. Containing: "Abu Nasr Alfarabii de rebus studio Aristotelicae philosophiae praemittendis commentatio"; "Abu Ali Ebn Sina, de logica poema"; and "Abu Nasr Alfarabii fontes quaestionum". Added title-page in Arabic: "Rasa`il falsafiyah lilshaykh Abi Nasr al-Farabi wa-lil-shaykh al-ra`ieh Abi Ali ibn Sina". Franciscus August Schmoelders (Schmölders) (1809-1880). Abu Nasr Muhammad ibn Tarkhan ul-Farabi (ca. 870-950). I-4 IN . EUR 1600.00 [Appr.: US$ 1664.78 | £UK 1352.5 | JP¥ 260729] Book number 4229is offered by:
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