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Behmenjār Ben el-Marzubān [Bahmangar Ibn Al-Marzuban]. Salomon Poper. (Hrsg.) - Behmenjār Ben el-Marzubān, der Persische Aristoteliker aus Avicenna's Schule. Zwei metaphysische Abhandlungen von ihm, Arabisch und Deutsch, mit Anmerkungen.

Leipzig, Leopold Voss, 1851. 1st Edition. Hardcover. Two parts in one volume. Small octavo. Pp. vi, 47; 28. HARDCOVER, bound in contemporary quarter pebble-grain cloth and marbled boards, leather lettering-piece, gilt, cloth French corners, some spotting, else in a very good condition. Overall an excellent copy. ~ FIRST EDITION. See Wilhelm Heinsius: Allgemeines Bücher-Lexikon, 1847-51 (Graz, 1963); Augustin Bonnetty: Annales de philosophie chrétienne (Paris 1854). Rare. H-2 OUT .
EUR 450.00 [Appr.: US$ 463.01 | £UK 379.5 | JP„ 72284] Book number 4223

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