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Pierre André ******. [Anne-Robert-Jacques Turgot, Baron de l'Aulne]. - Sur les finances. Ouvrage posthume de Pierre André ******, fils d'un bon laboureur, mis au jour par Mr.*, curé D*.

Londres, 1775. 1st Edition. Hardcover. Royal octavo. Pp. viii, 293. Woodcut device to title, end-piece to the Préface, and a large head-piece to the first page. Plus folding engraved grid-map of France, incorporating title within elaborate cartouche, and 4 other folding tables, all printed on deckle-edged rug paper. HARDCOVER, bound in full olive-green calf, gilt-stamped lettering to spine, faint armorial stamp to title. Excellent wide-margined, untrimmed copy, preserved in the original state and with crisp folding plates. ~ FIRST EDITION. Based on a much quoted manuscript note in the Library of Congress' copy ("l'on croit que cette sanglante diatribe des fermiers généraux a été composée, imprimée et répandue sous les auspices du ministère actuel [celui de Turgot & Malesherbes]") the book is often attributed to Anne-Robert-Jacques Turgot, Baron de l'Aulne (1727-1781), controller-general of France under Louis XVI. However, the attribution to Turgot is doubtful if not false. (For that matter see: Quérard: La France littéraire. Paris, Bibliothèque National, Catalogue géneral des livres imprimés; and also: Higgs, H. Bibliography of economics, 6403.) Also the imprint is false, and the book was probably printed in Paris or Amsterdam (see British Library Catalogue entry). I-4 OUT .
EUR 850.00 [Appr.: US$ 868.66 | £UK 715.25 | JP¥ 136818] Book number 3400

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