Crump, Arthur. - An Investigation into the Causes of the Great Fall in Prices which Took Place Coincidently with the Demonetisation of Silver by Germany.London, Longmans, Green, 1889. 1st Edition. Hardcover. Royal octavo. Pp. (ii), 198. With a beautifully engraved coat-of-arms of the Author printed on the leaf preceding title. With a list of works by the Author. HARDCOVER, bound in the original publisher's full cloth, blind ruled sides, gilt lettering to spine, black lettering to front cover; spine-ends slightly bumped, old institutional stamps and shelf label to first free endpaper, one to title-page, spine bit faded, sunned patch to back cover. In a very good condition. ~ FIRST EDITION. Crump wrote many other books on banking, among them "The key to the London money market" (1872); "The theory of stock exchange speculation" (1874); "A new departure in the domain of political economy" (1878). The Author's coat-of-arms is most unusual, both because of its charming design and its presence on the leaf usually reserved for half-title. It incorporates a central design, showing a cat in attack position and a knight's helmet. Under this, a ribbon bears the words "sine labore nihil" (Nothing Without Work). The outer ring bears the words "Arthur Crump Sigill". [Provenance:] Previously in the library of the Second Chamber of the States-General of the Netherlands. TIMO-5 OUT . EUR 1100.00 [Appr.: US$ 1133.32 | £UK 917.5 | JP¥ 172208] Book number 3388is offered by:
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