Corbière, l'Abbé [Prosper Honoré]. - L'économie sociale au point de vue chrétien, I-II. [TWO VOLUMES].Paris, A. Jouby, 1863. 1st Edition. Hardcover. Two volumes. Royal octavo. Pp. iv, 507; 508. Plus a suite of blank leaves at the end of each volume, apparently for notations. HARDCOVER, uniformly bound in contemporary half calf and matching foliage paper over boards, spines with raised bands, gilt lettered and decorated direct, corners abraded, rubbed at extremities, handsome marbled endpapers, red ribbon markers, a small dampmark at foot margin of first few leaves of one volume. A nice set in handsome binding, overall in a very good condition. ~ FIRST EDITION. A German translation, "Die Volkswirthschaftslehre vom Standpunkte des Christenthums" appeared in 1867. Only little is known about the Abbot Corbière. He was born in 1803 in Saint Lieux Lafenasse and at the age of 25 joined the "Societas Presbyterorum a S. Sulpitio", a move which had a great influence on his life thereafter. In 1945 he published "Le Guide de la conscience. Ouvrage contenant les divers traités de la morale chrétienne et des sacraments, à l'usage des simples fidèles." He died in 1865. For more on Corbière's life, and comments on his contribution to economic thought, see "Corbière und die soziale Theorie in der katholischen Kirche des 19. Jahrhunderts" by Gerhard Merk (Die Neue Ordnung" Vol. 20, 1966). Rare. OCLC 36957989 locates only 6 copies worldwide. KVK locates just one copy, that in the British Library. A-2 . EUR 750.00 [Appr.: US$ 772.72 | £UK 625.5 | JP¥ 117414] Book number 3377is offered by:
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