Cernuschi, Henri. - Le pair bimétallique. (Notes soumises à la Gold and Silver Commission).Paris, Guillaumin, 1887. 1st Edition. Soft cover. Octavo. Pp. 85. Printed on thick paper. Original stiff printed wrappers, bit dust-soiled, spine panel trifle frayed; faint dampmark in lower margin throughout. In good condition ~ FIRST EDITION. In the same year, an English translation, "The Bimetallic Par: Notes Submitted to the Gold and Silver Commission" was published in London by P. S. King; and a German translation, "Das bimetallische Pari. Der Gold- und Silver-Commission in London unterbreitete Bemerkungen" appeared in Köln by J. P. Bachem. Henri Cernuschi (1821-1896), Italian politician and economist, best known for his publications on financial questions, more especially bimetallism. Of the latter he was an ardent champion, and the word itself is commonly supposed to have originated with him - at least in its English form it is first found in his "Silver Vindicated" (1876). I-4 IN . EUR 420.00 [Appr.: US$ 432.72 | £UK 350.25 | JP¥ 65752] Book number 2523is offered by:
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