(Senac de Meilhan, Gabriel). - Considérations sur les richesses et le luxe.Amsterdam, et se trouve à Paris, Chez la veuve Valade, 1787. 1st Edition. Hardcover. Royal octavo. Pp. 499, (3) notes, (2) errata (verso blank). Engraved device to title, engraved head-piece and many tail-pieces. Footnotes. HARDCOVER, bound in quarter calf and marbled boards, spine lettered and dated in gilt, bit curved; head of spine mended for a tear, a partly split joint neatly restored; contemporary signature to title, small stamp to verso. An entirely uncut, wide-margined copy, printed on handmade paper. Overall an excellent interior in fine condition. ~ FIRST EDITION, uncommon in the original, unaltteredd state, and entirely uncut. Gabriel Senac de Meilhan (1736-1803), a French writer. In 1790 he published "Des Principes et des causes de la Révolution en France". His "Considérations" was republished in 1789. Kress B.1336. Goldsmith 13327. Cf. Palgrave 1894-1901. Not in Einaudi 5228, which lists the 1789 edition only. I-4 OUT . EUR 650.00 [Appr.: US$ 686.7 | £UK 538.25 | JP¥ 103852] Book number 2518is offered by:
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