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Hermeler, Ludwig. - Die Euthanasie und die späte Unschuld der Psychiater: Massenmord, Bedburg-Hau und das Geheimnis rheinischer Widerstandslegenden.

Essen, Klartext, 2002. 1st Edition. Hardcover. 3898610888. BRAND NEW. Royal Octavo. Pp. 298. With photographs, facsimiles, tables. Notes, bibliography, index. HARDCOVER, bound in the original publisher's pictorial boards. A brand new copy. ~ FIRST EDITION. A well documented study of a rather neglected chapter of Nazi history, the medical killing centre at the Provincial Sanatorium and Nursing Facility in Bedburg-Hau. P-2 .
EUR 220.00 [Appr.: US$ 230.17 | £UK 182.25 | JP¥ 35158] Book number 0521

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