Naylor, Phillip C. - France and Algeria: A History of Decolonization and Transformation.Gainesville, University Press of Florida, 2000. 1st Edition. Hardcover. 0813018013. BRAND NEW. Virgin copy, not yet traded. Royal octavo. Pp. xx, 458. With 2 full-page maps, 14 tables; notes, bibliography, index. HARDCOVER, original half cloth lettered in black, without dust-jacket, as issued. ~ FIRST EDITION. After 132 years of colonialism and a brutal war of independence, France and Algeria have attempted to fashion a new relationship based on "mutual respect." Beginning with a review of the colonial period up to 1958, the book examines the various dramas that have distinguished bilateral relations since independence: the Evian Accords of March 1962, the substitution of cooperation for colonialism, the nationalization of the hydrocarbons sector in 1971, and the Fitna, Algeria's violent "trial" of itself as a nation during the '90s. The author melds philosophy, economics, sociology, political science, and literary criticism into his historical narrative. P-2 . EUR 160.00 [Appr.: US$ 164.62 | £UK 135 | JP¥ 25701] Book number 0446is offered by:
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