Ambrosius, Ernst, Hersg. [Velhagen & Klasings]; G. B. Grundy. - Velhagen & Klasings Kleiner Handatlas in 108 Kartenseiten. Dritte, vermehrte und verbesserte Auflage, 1922. [AND:] Murray's Small Classical Atlas, 1917. [LOT OF 2 ATLASES].Bielefeld & Leipzig, Velhagen & Klasing, 1922. Hardcover. Lot of 2 atlases. Folio 45x30 cm. Pp. ii, and 54 double-page (i.e. 108 pp) colour lithograph maps. HARDCOVER, bound in the original publisher's full cloth, decorative endpapers; loose spine rudimentary reattached, some rubbing to edges. A good copy with fine interior with all the maps very well-preserved and free of any damage. ~ Third, revised edition. [ADDED:] To this we complimentary add: G. B. Grundy: "Murray's Small Classical Atlas." London, John Murray, 1917. Second edition. Royal quarto. Pp. xxiii, and 13 double-page colour lithograph maps. HARDCOVER, bound in cloth and boards, lacks spine; old institutional stamp to title-page. A good copy with fine interior and excellent maps. X-7 . EUR 80.00 [Appr.: US$ 83.65 | £UK 67.5 | JP¥ 12991] Book number 9999_04569is offered by:
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