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Colomb, P. (Philip Howard), J. F. (John Frederick) Maurice, e.a. B. W. Mensing, L. de Vlaming. - De groote oorlog van 189-. Een blik in de toekomst. Naar het Engelsch bewerkt. Met talrijke illustraties en 3 oorlogskaarten.

Haarlem, De Erven F. Bohn, 1893. Hardcover. Royal octavo. Pp. 288, (3). Frontispiece. Illustrated with many maps and photographs, many of which are full-page plates. HARDCOVER, bound in the original illustrated boards, cloth spine, lettering-piece bit rubbed, remnants of old shelf ticket, old military institutional stamp to title-page; foxed. In a very good condition. ~ First Dutch edition. Translated by B. W. Mensing from the English "The Great War of 189-: A Forecast" which was published in the same year. Philip Howard Colomb (1831-1899), British naval officer and historian, noted for his innovative theories. 005-5 .
EUR 160.00 [Appr.: US$ 164.6 | £UK 135.25 | JP¥ 25607] Book number 6929

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