Schachnowitz, S. (Selig). - Zwischen Ruinen und Aufbau in Erez-Israel. Eindrücke einer Erez-Israel-Reise mit der Palästina-Zentrale der Agudas-Jisroel.Frankfurt am Main, Palästina-Zentrale der Agudas-Jisroel, 1932. Soft cover. Small octavo. Pp. 77, (3). Set in Gothic type; thumb-soiled in places. Bound in the original printed stiff wrappers, incorporating publisher's and other announcements, one of which is illustrated. In a very good condition. ~ First and only edition. Selig Schachnowitz (1874-1952), noted neo-Orthodox journalist and writer. In 1908, at the invitation of Agudat Israel in Germany, he became editor of Der Israelit, a post he held for 30 years until the journal was closed down by the Nazis in 1938. He escaped to Switzerland, taking up residence in Zurich, where he continued his public and literary work until his death. Following a visit to Israel in 1931, he wrote "Zwischen Ruinen und Aufbau in Erez-Israel", which praised agricultural settlement and expressed strong reservations about the lack of religious observance in the new Israel. He was a prolific writer and although his various publicistic works were of a religious propagandist nature, many were of a high literary standard and attracted numerous readers. For a review of Schachnowitz's travelogue in Palestine, see Wolf Kaise: "Palästina, Erez Israel" (Doctoral Thesis, Berlin, 1988). I-2 IN . EUR 220.00 [Appr.: US$ 224.83 | £UK 185.25 | JP¥ 35412] Book number 4609is offered by:
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