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Meillet, Antoine; Emile Benveniste. - Grammaire du Vieux-Perse. Deuxième Édition. Entièrement corrigée et augmentée par E. Benveniste.

Paris, Librairie Ancienne Honoré Champion, 1931. Hardcover. Crown quarto. Pp. xxiv, 266. HARDCOVER, bound in full black cloth, old inscription on first flyleaf. In fine condition. An excellent copy, practically unused. ~ Second, completely revised and corrected edition. Collection Linguistique, XXXIV. Emile Benveniste (1902-76), French scholar, eminent Iranist, and one of the greatest linguists of his era. Old Persian was one of Benveniste's favored fields. In 1931 he published this new edition, revised and enlarged, of Meillet's "Grammaire du vieux--perse", a work rendered necessary by the progress of research. This book has remained a classic ever since. (-- Gilbert Lazard: Encyclopaedia Iranica). Y-2 OUT .
EUR 500.00 [Appr.: US$ 514.45 | £UK 421.5 | JP¥ 80316] Book number 4033

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