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Dupin, Baron [Francois Pierre] Charles. - Forces productives et commerciales de la France, I-II. [TWO VOLUMES].

Bruxelles, Lithographie Royale de Jobard Frères, 1828. Hardcover. Two volumes. Octavo. Pp. xcviii, 454, (2); 472, (2). HARDCOVER, uniformly bound in contemporary quarter black morocco and marbled boards, spines with raised bands, gilt ruled and lettered, extremities bit rubbed; inner hinges cracked, old institutional stamp to title-page, shelf ticket to half-title. Title-page and half-title in both volumes are extensively spotted, otherwise clean interior in handsome binding. In a very good condition. ~ The rare Brussels edition. Charles Dupin (1784-1873). TIMO-2 .
EUR 220.00 [Appr.: US$ 228.56 | £UK 183.25 | JP¥ 34890] Book number 3386

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Librarium of The Hague
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