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Droz, Joseph. - Économie politique ou principes de la science des richesses.

Bruxelles, Librairie Le Charlier, 1829. Hardcover. Four books in one volume. Small octavo. Pp. xvi, 365. HARDCOVER, bound in contemporary full leather, spine gilt, with the original printed wrappers laid-down. Handsome, untrimmed copy in general fine condition (light sporadic foxing). ~ First Bruxelles edition. The Paris edition (Jules Renouard) appeared earlier that year. Later editions appeared in 1837, 1841, 1846, 1854, and 1874. Francois Xavier Joseph Droz (1773-1850), French economist and historian. His "Économie politique" contains the widely-quoted remarks, "Certain economists seem to think that products are not made for men, but that men are made for products" and "Capital left to itself is an idle toll." Of his historical writings, "Histoire du regne de Louis XVI" (1839) is well known. I-2 OUT .
EUR 120.00 [Appr.: US$ 123.64 | £UK 100.25 | JP¥ 18786] Book number 3371

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