Ely, Richard T. - Socialism. An Examination of its Nature, its Strength and its Weakness, with Suggestions for Social Reform.London, Swan Sonnenschein, 1894. Hardcover. Crown octavo. Pp. xiii, 449. With folding chart as frontispiece. Eleven appendices, bibliography, index. HARDCOVER, bound in the original publisher's burgundy cloth, spine gilt; first endpaper browned due to poor stock quality, offsetting slightly to margins of title-page. In a very good condition. ~ First British edition. Richard Theodore Ely (1854-1943), American economist, one of the most influential economists of his time. Founder of the American Economic Association. "Outlines of economics" and "An Introduction to Political Economy" are among his successful academic textbooks. "Ely was a stimulating teacher who exerted a profoundly liberating influence on his students, many of whom became distinguished scholars or public figures." (Sills. IESS 1972). "Property and Contract" (also offered by Librarium) was Ely's main published contribution. F-5 IN . EUR 55.00 [Appr.: US$ 57.23 | £UK 46.5 | JP¥ 8963] Book number 2576is offered by:
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