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Smith, Adam. [Germain Garnier]. - Recherches sur la nature et les causes de la richesse des nations; traduction nouvelle, avec des notes et observations par Germain Garnier. Volumes I-V. [FIVE VOLUMES, THE CORRECTED ISSUE].

Paris, Agasse, 1802. Hardcover. Five volumes. Crown octavo. Pp. cxxvii (Preface), 368; 493; 564; 556; 588. With the famous engraved frontispiece by Benoît-Louis Prévost to the first volume. All half-titles present. Extended comprehensive index, footnotes. HARDCOVER, uniformly bound in handsome contemporary half polished calf and speckled boards; spines gilt ruled, each with a cherry-red, gilt morocco title-label, and oval, gilt-and-black morocco volume-number label, set within gilt-embossed wreath, embroidered ribbon marker to each volume. Paper over inner hinges of volume I split, not affecting binding which remains firm and tight; some annotations in light coloured pencil in one volume. In about fine condition. A very handsome set. ~ The present set is the corrected issue, published without the now redundant 5 errata slips (one to each volume) and conforms to Einaudi's 5340 description. Adam Smith's (1723-1790) work is the first major expression of organized study of social wealth. "'The Wealth of Nations' is not a system, but as a provisional analysis it is completely convincing. The certainty of its criticism and its grasp of human nature have made it the first and greatest classic of modern economic thought." (PMM 221). The present, much admired French translation of Smith's "Wealth of Nations", by the French poet and economist Comte Germain Garnier (1754-1821), became the standard, definitive French text. (Palgrave 1894-1901). Garnier's elegant Preface to this edition contains a summary of the doctrine of Smith, a comparison between the same and that of French economists, and a parallel between the wealth of France and that of England. C-4 .
EUR 950.00 [Appr.: US$ 985 | £UK 803.25 | JP¥ 153221] Book number 2488

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