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Cordier, Daniel - Jean Dewasne: Recent Paintings

New York, Lefebre Gallery, 1972. First Edition. Softcover. Size: Square 12mo 7" - 7. Uncommonly found in the trade, there being currently one additional copy available. Sturdy, still tightly bound softcover copy of an artist exhibit catalog from a show in 1972, displaying several of his best works. Minor wear of covers, penned artist's name at front cover. Clean, unmarked text-block but for original owner's ink-stamp at front and rear endpapers. Neither underlining nor highlighting. Perfectly readable, usable copy. Square format, measuring 6 1/4" on a size, glossy black-and-white cover and illustrations interior, with a short essay about the the artist by Daniel Cordier. Staple-bound, unpaginated, but 12 pp.Member, I.O.B.A., C.B.A., and adherent to the highest ethical standards. . . . Good
USD 15.00 [Appr.: EURO 13.75 | £UK 11.5 | JP¥ 2102] Book number 355555

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Structure, Verses, Agency Books
604 Thorn Street, P.O. Box #100, Spray, Oregon, 97874, USA Tel.: +1 937-502-5062

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