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Davis, Marian - German Graphics of the Sixties

Austin, Texas, University of Texas at Austin, 1974. First Edition. Softcover. Size: Square 16mo 6" - 7" tall. Fine-looking catalogue of an exhibition held between February 17 to March 24, 1974, at the Archer M. Huntington Galleries, University Art Museum, University of Texas at Austin. Stellar condition, just a faint crease to front panel. Bound in a short, nearly square softcover format, roughly 80 pp.; numerous black-and-white illustrations galore. Devoted to design; print-making; German art history.Member, I.O.B.A., C.B.A., and adherent to the highest ethical standards. . . . Near Fine
USD 14.00 [Appr.: EURO 12.75 | £UK 10.75 | JP¥ 2051] Book number 350493

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