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Castellon, Rolando, Director - Mano a Mano Abstraction / Figuration: 16 Mexican-American & Latin-American Painters from the San Francisco Bay Area

Santa Cruz, California, The Art Museum of Santa Cruz County, 1989. First Edition. Softcover. Size: Oblong 12mo 7" - 7. Scarce in the trade, there being currently no additional copies available. Bilingual, Spanish and English edition. Virtually pristine interior to this fine museum exhibit catalog, featuring the works, reproduced here in brilliant full color, printed on high-gloss card stock, with bright, colorful heavy card stock wraps, of Eduardo Carrillo, Jerry Concha, Daniel Galvez, Ann Garcia Urrioloagoitia, Rupert Garcia, Robert Gonzales, Beatrice Hablig, Robert Hernandez, Carlos Loarca, Carmen Lomas Garza, Yoland M. Lopez, Gustavo Ramos Rivera, Armando Rascon, Peter Rodriquez, Patricio Toro, Manuel Villamor. 63 pp.Member, I.O.B.A., C.B.A., and adherent to the highest ethical standards. . . . As New
USD 20.00 [Appr.: EURO 18.25 | £UK 15.25 | JP¥ 2847] Book number 350445

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