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Collective - Non Grata: Art of the Invisibles, Performances 1998-2007

Tellninn, Estonia, Academia Non Grata, 2007. First Edition. Hardcover. Size: 4to 11" - 13" tall. Exceedingly scarce in the trade, there being currently no additional copies available on-line. Laid in also is a signed post-card addressed to the previous owner of the book, Mr. Richard Leon Press of Richard L. Press Art Books, Fine and Scholarly, of Sacramento, California, by Paldrok Anonymous Bok (a player in one of the Non Grata troups, according to Mr. Press. Published in Estonian in 2007 by Persona Non Grata, and printed in English, Estonian, French, Swedish, and German. Measures 9" x 11" wide and tall, respectively. 368-page pictorial bright red cloth-covered performance art bible. Comprised of heaps of articles and essays about Non Grata published in various countries. Contributors include Sylvain Breton, Eric Letorneau, Sylvain Perier, Pekka Luhta, Erkki Pirtola, Sandrine Schaefer, Fred Pinault, Reinhart Viola, Michael Steger, Andree Wochnowski, Thomas Millroth, Joel Daumann, Klemens Krauss, Heinz Norbert Jocks, Peter Sauer, Jan Kaus, Siram, Heie Treier, Peeter Ivask, Ave Randviir, Leif Erikson and others.Member, I.O.B.A., C.B.A., and adherent to the highest ethical standards. . Signed by Other. . As New
USD 245.00 [Appr.: EURO 222.5 | £UK 187.75 | JP¥ 34975] Book number 348858

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