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Kuo, Susanna Campbell et al., Susan Shin-tsu Tai, ed. - Carved Paper: The Art of the Japanese Stencil

Santa Barbara, California, Santa Barbara Museum of Art and Weatherhill, 1998. . Softcover. Size: 4to 11" - 13" tall. Sterling condition softcover copy in tall quarto format, with unfurled tips, tight binding, and clean internals, showing only very slight shelf- and edge-wear, with glossy illustrated covers, and replete with black-and-white, duotone, tri-tone and full-color images galore, all printed on high-gloss paper to glorious effect. Contributions by Susanna Campbell Kuo, but also by Thomas S. Michie and Richard L. Wilson, and edited expertly by Susan Shin-tsu Tai. Foreword by Robert H. Frankel, and then a set of acknowledgments by the editor and the lead author. 231 pp., including full notes, bibliography and index.Member, I.O.B.A., C.B.A., and adherent to the highest ethical standards. . . . As New
USD 45.00 [Appr.: EURO 40.75 | £UK 34.25 | JP¥ 6306] Book number 344910

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