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Camfield, William - Francis Picabia

Milano, Italy, Galleria Schwartz, 1972. First Edition. Softcover. Size: 8vo 8" - 9" tall. Sturdy, still tightly bound softcover copy, minor to moderate wear of covers and text-block, but with neither underlining nor highlighting. Perfectly readable, usable copy, trilingual Italian / French / English catalog from an exhibition of the artist's work held at Galleria Schwarz, 16 September, 1972. Replete with black-and-white and full-color images of the artist's work. A probable First Edition, but not so stated, there having been at least one additional gallery that exhibited these of this works. Beautiful reproduction of the artist's work on the cover, dated to 1915, "De Zayas! De Zayas!: je suis venu sur les rivages du pont-euxin." 80 pp., including Preface by Marcel Duchamp.Member, I.O.B.A., C.B.A., and adherent to the highest ethical standards. . . . Very Good
USD 35.00 [Appr.: EURO 31.75 | £UK 26.75 | JP¥ 4905] Book number 344895

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