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RINK, SIGNE: - Gr¿nlaendere. Kristiania (Oslo), Alb. Cammermeyer, 1886. AND: Gr¿nlaendere og Danske i Gr¿nland. Kristiania, Alb. Cammermeyer, 1887.

. Two works bound together in contemporary half calf, extremities rubbed. Bookplate. Pp. (viii), 155 + pp. (viii), 204. Text in Danish. First editions. Signe Rink (1836-1909) was born in Greenland where her father was the colonial administrator. At the age of 17 she married Hinrich Rink, a Danish geologist who became the colonial director of southern Greenland in Nuuk in 1858. She learned the language fluently and wrote novels and short stories about Inuit society and traditions, and translated Greenlandic folklore into Danish. Several of her books reflected on the colonial relationship between Inuits and Danes.
EUR 180.00 [Appr.: US$ 197.67 | £UK 150.75 | JP¥ 29398] Book number 121359

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Charlotte Du Rietz Rare Books (ILAB)
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