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O'Brien, D. - Theories of Weight in the Ancient world. Volume I: Democritus Weight and Size. An Exercise in the Reconstruction of Early Greek Philosophy. Volume II: Plato, Wieght and Sensation. The Two Theories of the Timaeus [Four Essays on Democritus, Plato and Aristotle. A Study in the Development of Ideas] Volume I+II.

Paris, Les Belles Lettres / Leiden, E.J. Brill, 1981/1984, cloth (vol. I), paperbound (vol II), large 8vo, xxi+419, viii+464 pp., Aristotle criticism of the atomic theory; Theophrastus; Simplicius; Diogenes Laertius; Aetius and Cicero; nearfine condition. . ISBN: 2251325859.
EUR 175.00 [Appr.: US$ 179.46 | £UK 146.75 | JP¥ 28298] Book number 30516

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