KNIGHT, ELIZABETH (EDITOR) - Orientations July 1991 Volume 22 Number 7Orientations Magazine Ltd, Hong Kong. 1991. Soft cover. Magazine, English text; Paperback magazine; 21.3 x 28.8 cm; 0.248 Kg; 74 pages with illustrations. Used with signs of wear. Edgeworn.; Includes: The T.T. Tsui Gallery of Chinese Art by Amanda Ward and Jane Lawrence; Gained in Translation by Suning Sun-Bailey; A Hero Restored: the Conservation of Guan Di by John Larson and Rose Kerr; Identified Women's Things in the T.T. Tsui Gallery by Verity Wilson; A Qing Dynasty Multi-armed Bodhisattava: Surface Decoration, Construction and Hidden Offerings by Richard Cook; Whose Throne Is It Anyway? The Qianlong Throne in the T.T. Tsui Gallery by Craig Clunas; Zhu Qizhan - One Hundred Years by Lars Berglund; Book Reviewed by Kenneth J. DeWoskin of the publication: The Wu Liang Shrine by Wu Hung; Report from Hong Kong by Susan Dewar and Donald Dinwiddie; Report from New York by Margaret Tao; Calender of Exhibitions; Exhibition Sales and Auctions. Good/No Jacket. EUR 20.00 | CHF 19] Buchzahl 264ABEwird angeboten von:
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