CESANA, LAURA (AUTHOR); ROSA, ANTÓNIO RAMOS (POEM); AND TEXTS BY ART CRITICS: AZEVEDO, FERNANDO DE; PERNES, FERNANDO AND FREITAS, LIMA DE. - Vestigios Hebraicos Em Portugal - Viagem de Uma Pintora; Jewish Vestiges in Portugal - Travels of a PainterLaura Cesana, Lisboa. 1998, 2nd Edition. (ISBN: 9789729737008). Hardcover. Book, English and Portuguese text; Hardcover; 23.6 x 32 cm; 1.152 Kg; 160 pages with 116 colored images of places and paintings.; Used book with minor signs of wear, namely a small bump on the top of the back cover.; This book concerns a project from the painter Laura Cesana regarding the Jewish influence on western civilization, precisely in Portugal. The author research and her drawings, paintings and engravings are included in the publication.; "The book also opens doors to Jewish landmarks in a way not found in the meager guidebooks that tourists usually resort to when they visit Portugal. The Cesana book is written in both Portuguese and English on facing pages. It also has a rich supplement of notes. The text, the photographs of places, objects and her art work are a very sensitive account of a five year search." excerpt from the review by KATHLEEN TELTSCH (retired journalist of "The New York Times"); "The artist Laura Cesana presents a rare depiction of the heritage of Portuguese Jewry through history, culture, and art (..) She also remembered to include brief depictions of Portuguese Jewish settlements in Brazil, Amsterdam, and New York.(.) Laura Cesana is unique in that she commemorated little-known segments of Sephardic Portuguese Jewry not only through historical and ethnographic notations, but via original paintings. Her Italian and United States background add a new perspective to viewing Portuguese Jewry.(.) Cesana combines traditional still-life motifs of fruit and Jewish table settings with modernistic artistic forms - cubes, collages, overlapping, streaking, tattering, shadows, and smattering. It is thought-provoking, informative, but yet equally removed, hidden, and discrete. (.) The book should be a part of anyone's library who takes an interest in Portuguese Jewry." excerpt from the review by YITZCHAK KEREM (editor of "Sapharad"). Very Good/No Jacket. EUR 40.00 | CHF 38] Buchzahl 194ABEwird angeboten von:
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