FURUTO, KAZUIE; TERASHIMA, YOSHIKI; NOGUCHI, TORU; OHYA, NAOTAKE; MITA, AKIRA; HARAGUCHI, YONEO; CHIYUKI, KUBO; NAKAJIMA, AKIO; NAKAYAMA, MASAO; AND MURAMOTO, KYOKO (EDITORS) - Shogun: The Shogun Age Exhibition from the Tokugawa Art Museum, JapanThe Shogun Age Exhibition Executive Committee, Tokyo. 1983, 2nd Edition. Soft cover. Book, English text; Paperback; 21.6 x 28.2 cm; 1.210 Kg; 279 pages with illustrations in colour; Signs of wear in front cover, spine and back cover. Edgeworn. Minor signs of wear in the interior.; Catalogue from the exhibition held at: Los Angeles County Museuym of Art, Los Angeles, December 17 - February 26, 1984; Dallas Museum of Art, Dallas, March 18 - May 27, 1984; Haus der Kunst, Munich, November 23, 1984 - February 3, 1985; Espace Pierre Cardin, PARIS, March 1 - May 12, 1985; Exhibition of art treasures of the Tokugawa family who ruled Japan during the Edo period. The three hundred works of art on loan from the Tokugawa Art Museum in Nagoya represent the finest artistic achievements of that period. These works, ranging from delicately painted screens and scrolls to swords and armorial work, as well as tea ceremonies utensils No theater costumes and masks, present the astonishing creations of Japanese artists over more than two centuries. Good/No Jacket. EUR 25.00 | CHF 24] Buchzahl 186ABEwird angeboten von:
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